I know it's Friday, but...

Hello my loves,

You know how I absolutely love writing to you on a Friday, and it’s definitely-certainly-for-absolute-sure one of the best parts of my week? Well, here’s the thing. My wisteria is blooming. And when she goes, let me tell you: she goes. One day it’s the bare brown vines of winter, and the next, she’s festooned herself with dozens of bunches of delicate lavender flowers which dangle hypnotically in the cool breeze, swaying and dipping and filling the air with their sweet-honey scent. It’s quite incredible, and as it happens but once a year, I really must go and make the most of it. And by make the most of it I mean take myself to the centre of the action (aka the upstairs balcony), flip back my outdoor recliner, and absorb myself in a honey-scented lavender dream.

And so I’m sure you understand when I tell you that today, I must fly. There are some things that are just too beautiful and too fleeting to ignore, and the flowering of my wisteria is one of them. So I bid you farewell as I head for lavender bliss, where I'll be in the delightful company of some very busy, and very happy, little bees. I wish you a glorious weekend peppered with pockets of enchantment, and I can’t wait to chat again very soon. Until next week my loves 💜

Love, Rachel xxx